The following symptoms signal that your computer is very likely to be infected with Yahoo.Freeze: PC is working very slowly
When you visit sites with dubious or objectionable content, trojans-including Yahoo.Freeze, spyware and adware, may well be automatically downloaded and installed onto your computer. The use of peer-to-peer (P2P) programs or other applications using a shared network exposes your system to the risk of unwittingly downloading infected files, including malicious programs like Yahoo.Freeze. Spyware frequently piggybacks on free software into your computer to damage it and steal valuable private information. Sometimes adware is attached to free software to enable the developers to cover the overhead involved in created the software. Small-charge or free software applications may come bundled with spyware, adware, or programs like Yahoo.Freeze.
The following are the most likely reasons why your computer got infected with Yahoo.Freeze: How Did My PC Get Infected with Yahoo.Freeze? ^ Modified, FDoS.ICQZap, Damien, mOTFv3, Backdoor.FQ.Server.